Fund Setup Formation

Fund Setup Formation is a world leader in the formation of onshore and offshore funds.  Our staff provides many services for fund structuring, growth and sustainability.  We can provide ongoing hedge fund or mutual consultation and assist with administrative tasks of your fund.  Our team assists in structuring the fund from the very onset, from the type of fund, the domicile (fund location) and overall goal of investment.  Aside from fund setup and compliance, we can also assist with marketing and potentially the introduction of your fund to broker dealers or investors who may assist with your offering.

Processing of Subscriptions and Redemptions’s fund team can undertake important jobs that relate to the fund itself.  Aside from drafting the prospectus or offering memorandum of the fund, we also can write the subscription agreements and partnership agreements.  We warrant that the compliance and offering documents are written correctly, with an eye toward compliance and investor attractiveness, never comprising on either.  We can process subscriptions and redemptions as well.


Compliance can assist with your compliance and regulatory requirements for funds in Europe, the U.S., Asia and elsewhere.  Our team of securities attorneys can file and register and meet the necessary requirements for most of the world’s regulatory bodies, such as the FCA in the UK or the SEC/Finra in the U.S., among many others.

Electronic Filing

We offer the writing and submitting of the prospectus and other essential offering documents and can file such documents electronically as needed (particularly for Rule15c3).

Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund and Fund of Funds Services

Our team at Prospectus has extensive experience providing hedge fund, mutual fund and fund of funds services.  Our Funds team has global experience with launching a hedge, mutual or fund of funds.  This includes the drafting of the offering memorandum and information memorandums as well as the filing of various materials.  Some of our fund services include:

  • Fund setup per industry standards
  • Utilize our legal counsel for either onshore or offshore fund information
  • Draft/edit offering memorandum or prospectus
  • Draft partnership agreements, resolutions, other agreements
  • Take the lead on the initial subscriptions and redemptions
  • Ensure regulatory filing requirements are met

We can also assist with listing your fund with a Stock Exchange, including Cayman Islands (CSX), Hong Kong (HKEX), Bermuda (BSX) London (LSE), Frankfurt, Berlin, NASDAQ, NYSE, Singapore (SGX), Australia (ASX) and many others.

Private Equity Funds

Our team at Prospectus assists private equity funds either launch or grow.  The in-house staff at Prospectus is comprised of private equity consultants and we maintain substantial networks in the private equity markets.  Our private equity fund setup includes such entities as real estate funds, venture capital and general investment equity funds that specialize investing in niche markets, such as emerging or BRIC.

Leverage our Technology

Our team at Prospectus can assist both start-up funds and those that are established with investor networking.  We run a robust system – one of the strongest and most prominent on the internet – for companies seeking to raise capital or to network.  We operate many online portals and websites that assist in networking, including and we have access to Bloomberg and others.  These avenues give us and our clients a broad reach in the investment hunt.


Get in Touch

If you are seeking to start a fund or need help with an existing fund, feel free to reach out to our team at any time.

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Fund Setup Formation

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Fund Setup Formation