PPM for REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust PPM Services’s team is the global leader in writing real estate PPMs for REITs. A real estate investment trust, or just ‘REIT’ for short, is security investment vehicle that invests in real estate. Such real estate holding an include single family homes condos, apartments, skyscrapers, malls, hotels and really the entire gamut of the real estate market. REITs allow investors of all sizes to own, via equity, a piece of the real estate itself.

Raising capital in the real estate market via a REIT will normally require an offering document to be written in order to give to investors or banks. In the private placement world, a PPM is the most popular document used for capital solicitation. The PPM goes by several names, notably ‘private placement memorandum’, or ‘offering memorandum’, and of course just ‘private placement memorandum’. The REIT document details the terms of the offering such as the type of securities that the issuer is offering to investors for their funds.

Our team of attorneys and consultants have written hundreds of REIT related private placement memorandum documents. If your company is considering conducting a private offering or a public listing with a stock exchange for a real estate project we have the team, knowledge and experience to assist you with your writing need. We custom structure your private placement memorandum offering documents to ensure regulatory protections and attractiveness to investors. Our firm offers the following collaboration and custom writing private placement memorandum services and can assist in the writing of your real estate private placement memorandum:

Housing and Home Development PPM

Companies seeking to build a single-family house or multiple houses. Often new developments and land purchases prompt companies to write a private placement memorandum and raise additional capital to build-out the project.

Hotel PPM

Hotels of all sizes and in any location worldwide. Our team can draft your private placement memorandum for franchise opportunities, existing hotel chains and new ventures.

Condominium PPM

Condo private placement memorandums are popular and the market in the US and numerous other countries has seen a steady increase year over year of capital infusion into this market segment.

Apartment PPM

During recessions or down economies companies in the real estate apartment sphere build apartments as the market grows, which has been true in many parts worldwide in the past 10 years.

Skyscraper PPM

For companies seeking to develop large buildings or skyscrapers our team at Private placement memorandum can help in all aspects of the business, from feasibility study research to business plan and private placement memorandum writing.

Office Park PPM

Assistance with office park development for a specific industry, like hi-tech or medical office parks is something we assist with on an internal scale.

EB5 (EB-5) PPM

Real estate firms that would like foreign investment can benefit from the EB5 program. Our team has worked with EB5 investors and the industry since its inception.

General Real Estate PPM

If you need a feasibility study, business plans, private placement memorandum or even surveys of a proposed land development or something that is not seen on this page such as a retirement home, just reach out to us and let us know what you need. Chances are we have work on such a project.

REIT Issuers

For REIT issuers considering selling stock or equity in their company or issuing debt securities to investors a well-tailored and written private placement memorandum is mandatory, particularly considering the current real estate economic conditions. A private placement memorandum offering document can bring added protection to your business and is often required to raise either debt or equity capital in the public and private markets. A well written real estate development private placement memorandum will tell the story of the company, from the minute details of the types of securities being offered, e.g. stock versus bonds, to the management team, the market, the risk factors and the overall business model of the company, among other features. The final section of the private placement memorandum is reserved for the subscription agreement, which is an essential component of any private placement memorandum as the subscription agreement is the contract between the issuer and the person buying the debt or equity securities.


Although the private placement memorandum is first and foremost a document used to raise capital, the structure and presentation of the private placement memorandum can add value to a company’s products and services, as well as the team itself by portraying all aspects in a well-polished format. A private placement memorandum shows an investor that one is serious and has gone the extra length to ensure regulatory compliance and good business practices. Without a formal document that outlines the company’s business and securities structure it is often difficult to raise capital from any serious investor.

Our team at has years of experience writing private placement memorandums for hundreds of varying industries and businesses, including for REITs. We work one on one with our clients during the private placement memorandum drafting process and take it upon ourselves – in almost obligatory fashion –  to assist our clients with their quest for growth once our services our complete.

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