Raise Capital Networking

Raise Capital Networking &”Capital Introduction”

PPM has a wide network of “capital introduction consultants”, qualified investors and licensed broker-dealers that can serve entrepreneurs in their quest to raise capital. Many factors would determine the best suitable investors or investment groups to approach for assistance. From the type of business the issuer operates, to the stage of growth and positioning, to the dollar amount that is required to grow, there are many factors that would determine who a company approaches for funding.

Below is a list of funding sources in our network:

    • Accredited Investors
    • Angel Investors / Groups
    • Tier 1 Investment Banks
    • Capital Introduction Consultants
    • Consortia
    • Corporations with Venture Arms
    • Crowd Funding
    • Economic Development Agencies
    • Experienced High Network Investors (“HNW”)
    • Family Wealth Managers aka Family Offices
    • Friends, Family and Pools
    • Foreign Investors
    • Fund of Funds
    • Hedge Funds
    • Industry Associations
    • Boutique Investment Banks
    • Merchant Banks
    • Mezzanine Debt Funds
    • Mutual Funds
    • Pension Funds
    • Private Investors
    • Private Markets
    • Private Placement
    • QIBs (Qualified Institutional Buyers)
    • SBIR
    • Strategic Investors
    • University Seed Funds
    • Venture Capital
    • 144A, Reg S, Reg A, Reg D

Start-ups versus later stage companies will utilize varying funding sources. For example, a company seeking to raise $500 million will most likely not approach family and friends (unless they are very wealthy), while a startup raising $100,000 will most likely not be able to procure funds from a hedge fund or private equity fund. Knowing the types of investors and groups to approach can save needed time. However, once a start-up moves to the next level and needs additional funding to grow, the overall market of who they can approach expands.

In addition to local investors, there are also many funding sources outside of one’s country. While raising capital within one’s own country, a company must comply with local and federal laws, whether it’s a US or Canadian or UK company. But when raising capital outside of one’s country, complying with international norms is also mandated. Prior to accepting capital from overseas – or outside one’s country – it is always recommended that one ensure the Issuer is complying with local law. This would also entail the prospectus or offering memorandum (PPM) be written for compliance purposes on the local and international level. This is quite important, as structuring the first or second deal properly can ensure that the third deal is smoother, while the opposite can be corrosive to a company.


PPM.net is not a registered broker-dealer and does not sell securities of any kind and therefore does not take any compensation for securities sold. Depending on the opportunity, we may direct clients to captive strategic investors within certain sectors that we know would have an interest in your opportunity and we do this as a pure courtesy in connection with the engagement. We also maintain relationships with ‘capital introduction consultants’ as well as licensed broker-dealers who provide capital raising services for a fee, however we do not directly assist with capital raising nor sell securities of any kind and therefore do not receive any payment. Providing introductions to consultants who specialize in raising capital for start-ups and expanding companies is a professional courtesy that we extend to clients who have engaged us to prepare business plans and investor offering documents.  To learn more about capital introduction services and consultants we can direct you to, contact us today. PPM.net does not get paid, either upfront or on any back end, if a company is funded.

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