Segregated Portfolio Private Placement Memorandum

Segregated Portfolio Private Placement Memorandum’s team has written and edited or assisted with hundred of private placement memorandums for segregated portfolios of both offshore and onshore funds.  If your company is considering conducting an offering with  your segregated portfolio our team can assist with your segregated feeder writing and structuring.

Private Placement Memorandum for a Segregated Portfolio

If you need to setup the legal entity in the form of a segregated portfolio or would like the private placement documents drafted we can help.

For issuers considering selling stock in the company or selling debt securities to investors a well-tailored and written prospectus is mandatory, particularly in light of the current economic conditions. A prospectus offering document can bring added protection to your business and is often required to raise either debt or equity capital in the public and private markets. A well written prospectus will tell the story of the company, from the minute details of the types of securities being offered, e.g. stock versus bonds, to the management team, the market, the risk factors and the overall prospectus model of the company, among many other features. The final part of the prospectus is reserved for the subscription agreement, which is an essential component of any prospectus as the subscription agreement is the contract between the issuer and the person buying the debt or equity securities.

Although the prospectus is first and foremost a document used to raise capital, the structure and presentation of the prospectus can add value to a company’s products and services and team by portraying them in a well-polished format. A prospectus shows an investor that one is serious and has gone the extra length to ensure regulatory compliance and good business practices. Without a formal document that outlines the company’s prospectus and securities structure it is often difficult to raise capital from any serious investor.

Our team at PPM has years of experience writing prospectuses for hundreds of varying industries and businesses. We work one on one with our clients during the prospectus drafting process and take it upon ourselves – in almost obligatory fashion –  to assist our clients with their quest for growth once our services our complete.

If you are considering launching a segregated portfolio fund and need assistance with the private placement memorandum or offering memorandum feel free to reach out to us.

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