144A Notes 144A Bonds

144A Notes 144A Bonds

PPM.net can assist with your full 144A bond or note offering requirements.

Rule 144A offers established companies globally with a means of procuring capital for their business or operations via the private marketplace without having to register the securities. This is in stark contrast to a public offering where a company must comply with  a multitude of regulations suited for an IPO or public offering. A strong pull for utilizing Rule 144A is to remove the barriers to entry via regulations that public offerings are obligated with. With the easing of regulations for those who use 144A for their note or bond offering, the main benefit is that permits companies to raise capital more efficiently than a public offering as there is less bureaucratic tape to get through.


Private Placement Memorandum for 144A Debt

The drafting of a private placement memorandum is a standard for 144A offerings, whether one offers notes or bonds. A PPM will detail the terms of the debt offering including proposed interest payment dates, the maturity date and more, with the goal of raising money from investors. Our team assists in the drafting of the debt private placement memorandum.


Trust Indenture

The trust indenture is a key element in any private placement securities 144A offering memorandum and structure. A trust indenture details the debt being offered and how the note or bond is expected to operate. Additionally, the trust indenture will detail what happens in case of default by the issuer. PPM.net will assist in drafting trust indentures.

The private offering memorandum and the trust indenture must be accepted by all parties. Once the documents are acceptable, a trustee bank or trustee corporation is commissioned to act as the trustee.

Securities Identification Numbers for Debt – CUSIP and ISIN Numbers

In addition to the offering documents listed above, a CUSIP and ISIN number will most likely need to be acquired in order for identification purposes. The CUSIP and ISIN numbers 9 and 12 digit codes that identify the securities, and those conducting 144A offerings often utilize the numbers for clearing and settlement purposes.. PPM.net can assist in acquiring an ISIN or CUSIP number for your company or securities.


Rule 144A:
Rule 144A – and there are many rules within 144A – was adopted pursuant to the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) provides a safe harbor from the registration  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 for certain private resale’s of the restricted securities to QIB’s (qualified institutional buyers), which generally are large institutional investors with over 100 Million of investable assets.


PPM.net is the leading U.S. entrepreneurial firm that specializes in 144A Bond Offerings, private placement development and business plan writing.

Contact us for a free 144A consultation.